Trike Lifts

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Moderator: Nick Nelson

Trike Lifts

Postby Nick Nelson » 2 May 2016, o 17:45

Are you thinking of buying a Trike Lift for Tri-Glide?

We are trying to sort out a mess where a local distributor sold a dealer a Trike Lift, which wasn't a Trike Lift.....
no 3rd wheel plate, surface mounted where the dealer wanted a recessed version. Support and knowledge from the local distributor? NIL.

Caps -Workshops always sell the right product every time......Don't get caught out, talk to the experts you'll get what you need and probably save money in the process.

This applies to all countries and all regions.

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Nick Nelson
Posts: 11
Joined: 29 Apr 2015, o 14:39

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