New Wheel Balancers

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Moderator: Nick Nelson

New Wheel Balancers

Postby Nick Nelson » 30 Sep 2015, o 20:50

When it comes to buying a wheel balancer make sure its a motorcycle specific model (not an automobile model with a conversion) make sure it has the correct H-D shaft, make sure it will take the Tri Glide adapter and can cope with the bigger wheels. Caps-Workshops have some great models for H-D all in a corporate colour scheme. Look in the online catalog then mail or call us to help with your choice.
Nick Nelson
Posts: 11
Joined: 29 Apr 2015, o 14:39

Re: New Wheel Balancers

Postby » 1 Dec 2015, o 14:08

hi, on the website it says "Automatic device to record diameter and offset of the rim" - how does this machine exactly measure it??
Posts: 4
Joined: 1 Dec 2015, o 12:01

Re: New Wheel Balancers

Postby Nick Nelson » 1 Dec 2015, o 19:06

On the model MT 22, we have a little arm on the right of the machine, close to the tire. You put its end on the rim at the indicated position of the weight and automatically the machine records the diameter and the offset.

The width of the tire, must be added by the technician with the keyboard of the machine, to help him a gauge is supplied, as a caliper, to measure with.

Do this and off you go, perfect balance every time with no chasing weights around the rim. :D

Hope this helps.
Nick Nelson
Posts: 11
Joined: 29 Apr 2015, o 14:39

Re: New Wheel Balancers

Postby » 3 Dec 2015, o 14:17

Nick Nelson wrote:Do this and off you go, perfect balance every time with no chasing weights around the rim. :D

Haha, great, thank you very much Nick!
Posts: 4
Joined: 1 Dec 2015, o 12:01

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